The control module runs all software necessary for operating the robot system. The control module contains all the control electronics such as main computer I/O boards and flash memory. The controller consists of two modules, the control module and the drive module. The IRC5 controller contains all the functions required to move and control the robot manipulator. The flex pendant which is also referred to as the teach pendant unit, is a hand held operator unit used to perform many of the tasks involved during the operation of a robot system such as modifying the work object, jogging the robot manipulator, modifying RAPID programs and can also be used to create instructions using teach method and jogging. Through this off-line simulation, the program that can modify before uploading them into the flex pendant (Teach Pendant unit). Everything errors in the simulation that will also conduct to an error in the interfacing.
RobotStudio has an offline simulation tool that can be used to watch the motions of the robot while during simulation.

After write programming, a virtual controller that is also in RobotStudio, and then all of the paths are synchronized before off-line simulate. In the RobotStudio has a robot virtual technology that helps the User watch a robot work a RAPID program in the graphical environment, and can test the robot virtual that performs follow the paths and targets in programming are within the workspace of the robot manipulator or not. RobotStudio is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) software that uses configuration and offline programming of ABB robots with RAPID programming as the basic programming language. Especially, that can create 3D solid models form graphical. SolidWorks is a kind of software that can design a lot of solid models. The software is used in this project for the design of the end effector and the design of the alphabet letters that are SolidWorks Design software. To show this project, this is a block diagram of the system is shown in Fig.

The IRB 120 ABB has a flex pendant that uses to control itself and control module to upload the command. This programming will use with industrial Robot (ABB IRB 120) by using RobotStudio software and RAPID (GUI) programming language. The target of this project is programming industrial Robot to work instead of a human, in this case, was a programmed robot for writing. Thus the robot is designed to be able to operate any work that can be programmed (within its limit and work envelope) simply by changing the program. Therefore if the program is changed, the actions of the robot will be changed accordingly. The movement of the robot is controlled by a controller that is under the jurisdiction of the computer that is running some type of program. The system of the robots that can be used together with the robots to operate the essential works. A robot is designed and controlled by a computer or some equipment that be similar to computers. Key-word- ABB industrial Robot, Robot Studio, Writing Instrument, RAPID.Ī robot is a human invention that establishes for replaces human effort albeit it may not resemble a human. As a result, the project was able to simulate some Chinese characters, and then the character was written by the ABB Robot accurately. The RAPID program is uploaded as a backup system into the flex pendant of the robot and then simulated through the IRC5 controller. The tool that is helping ABB Robot can control the pen to write the letters is better. The writing instrument had been designed and fabricated that become a tool (end effector). This paper devoted to programming ABB Robot to write some charactersĬhinese language (), and attach a special end effector Tianjin University of Technology and Education (TUTE), Tianjin, ChinaĪbstract- Using Robotics writes a human's language that is interesting by the researchers in the robotics field. Programming ABB Industrial Robot for Writing a Human Language